If you're looking for knowledge and evidence to support your work, development, study and research we can help you keep up to date with healthcare research, find evidence for patient care and clinical decision making and access medical textbooks online .
The Knowledge and Library Service have subscriptions to a range of national, regional and locally purchased healthcare and clinical content, and we'd like you to get the most out of each resource. This guide should help you to use our resources more effectively by providing information, advice and links to the tools and resources.
If you have a question regarding anything in this guide or you are encountering issues accessing any of these resources then please contact us at sirona.library@nhs.net
The library's collection of print and electronic books cover many topics of interest to allied health professionals. You must be a member of the Library if you wish to borrow a book, simply fill out this form to join.
Search for print and e-books available in NHS libraries across the South and West using the SWIMS library catalogue. These can either be collected from the UHBW Libraries or posted directly to you.
You can also search the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub to find eBooks by carrying out a basic search and limiting by Books. You'll need an Open Athens account to access the resources on the Hub - register for one here if you haven't already got one.
Searching: Health and Care Evidence, from Health Education England
Can't find what you're looking for? Just email the details to sirona.library@nhs.net and we'll try to get hold of it for you from another NHS Library.
As well as the Hub we have 2 collections of eBooks for you to explore:
Kortext is an eBook and eTextbook provider of digital copies of key medical, nursing and healthcare titles. The collection features a number of titles and new titles are being added frequently. Texts can be read either via the the desktop platform or the mobile app and the platform has features to support easy navigation of texts, such as key word or term searching, the ability to select and highlights passages of text, ability to make notes and export them to email, bookmarking of pages and more.
E-book collection which includes all the Oxford Medicine Handbook series, the Oxford Handbooks in Nursing and the 'Emergencies in...' series. The collection features over 130 key titles incl. the Oxford Textbook of Medicine, Emergencies in Critical Care, the Oxford Handbook in Adult Nursing and many more. Users will need to use the 'Sign in now' button to sign in using OpenAthens
Our journal collection includes many high-impact publications. Access to the majority of our journals is online via Browzine, an OpenAthens account is required to read full text.
Browzine is a web and mobile app which allows you to search, read, and monitor your favourite journals, making it easier to keep up to date with the latest research in your area of practice.
These following databases are a good starting point for more complex searches and searching to support research. You have access to these databases either by using your OpenAthens account or freely online..
Covers medicine, nursing, dentistry, the care system, pre-clinical sciences and more - with easy linking to full-text journals. Contains abstracts from more than 5.600 biomedicine and life sciences journals.
Access: OpenAthens account
Covers biomedical sciences and pharmacology. Especially strong in its coverage of drug and pharmaceutical research, pharmacology and toxicology.
Access: OpenAthens account
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Includes over 7.500 Cochrane Systematic Reviews.
Access: freely available
A smart, fast tool to find high quality clinical research evidence. The TRIP categories are: Evidence-based Synopses; Clinical Questions; Systematic Reviews; Guidelines (North American, Europe, Other); Core Primary Research; eTextbooks; Clinical Calculators; and core general medical journals retrieved from MEDLINE (PubMed).
Access: OpenAthens
Clinical Decision Support tools are reference resources designed to support clinical decision-making. They contain detailed summaries of a wide range of conditions and interventions, supported by synthesized and evaluated evidence-based research and/or peer-reviewed sources. Summaries are curated by health professionals and regularly updated to reflect new evidence. They can include levels of evidence, rating scales or grade recommendations as well as citations back to the original research studies, systematic reviews, or guidelines.
NICE Guidance, including care pathways, interventional procedure guidance, clinical knowledge summaries, quality standards and more.
Access: freely available
BMJ Best Practice is a clinical decision support tool, uniquely structured around the patient consultation, with advice on symptom evaluation, tests to order and treatment approach. Access to BMJ Best Practice is provided by Health Education England to all NHS staff in England.
Access: OpenAthens
British National Formulary (BNF) provides key information on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines.
Access: freely available
British National Formulary for Children (BNFc) provides key information on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines used for children.
How does it work?
Tell Knowledge and Library Services about your areas of interest - you can be as broad or as detailed as you like - and how often you would like to be updated. Your Current Awareness update will be personally configured by a professional librarian to ensure you only receive relevant, high quality information. Find out more about KnowledgeShare here.
What kind of information will be included in the update?
The health care evidence from KnowledgeShare is drawn from a wide variety of sources, including local publications and events, published research literature and national guidance and policy documents. Each item is selected, categorised and summarised by professional health librarians to save you time.
How often will I be updated?
Your librarian will email you a consolidated update once every two weeks, so you are not overloaded with updates. If you see anything in the update you want more information on, simply reply to the email and ask.
Request a personalised current awareness update by completing our online form or by emailing your areas of interest to sirona.library@nhs.net