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Sirona Knowledge and Library Services: Training

Our training

We provide specialist information skills training for all Sirona staff and students. Please see details of our upcoming training sessions below and click on the date you would like to attend a session to complete the booking form. You can also view and book all our training sessions on Kallidus, the Sirona Learning Management System (LMS).


**If you would like to attend any of the sessions below, but are unable to make the the date/time advertised, please get in touch and we will arrange an alternative day/time with you**


  • Welcome to your Library & the Knowledge and Library Hub (30 minutes): How to access the Library and its resources, an overview of our print and electronic resources, and the services and training we offer. This session also includes an introduction to the Knowledge and Library Hub.

Monday 12th August, 2pm


  • Literature Searching Basics (30 minutes): A quick overview on how to search the resources effectively and how to plan a search. Useful for anybody who wants to find the best and quickest way to source articles and find relevant evidence. You may also want to try this literature searching e-learning course. 

Monday 19th August, 10am


  • Getting to grips with eResources (30 minutes): Find out about the different resources the Library offers, how to access them and how to make the best use of them. 

Tuesday 27th August 10am


  • Referencing Basics (45 minutes): Refresh your skills in referencing. Learn how to cite sources in your writing and put together a bibliography. Online referencing tools are also demonstrated during this session.

Monday 19th August, 2pm


  • Heath Literacy Awareness (45 minutes): Increase your understanding of health literacy and how it impacts people's health and well-being. Learn how you can support people to understand health information. 

Tuesday 30th July, 10am


  • 1:1 Support: If you would like some one-to-one support, please use the form below to let us know how we can help and we will be in touch to arrange a convenient date/time to meet with you. This could be to help you put together a search or to find relevant resources for a project or research.

1:1 support form


The above sessions can also be run on a one-to-one basis or be tailored for small groups. Please contact us to find out more and arrange a session for yourself or a group of colleagues.


COMING sessions in reflective writing, health information for patients/public and online referencing tools. These will be added above as soon as they are ready to be delivered.

How to search the literature


In a hurry? Try this searching e-learning course from HEE.

Your Knowledge and Library Service Team

Here to help, please contact us if you need any help or support accessing Library resources:

Sarah Mathieson, Knowledge and Library Service Lead

Claire Field, Librarian


Contact us