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UHBW Library and Information Services: Evidence Summaries

Library website for UHBW

What are Evidence Summaries?

Our evidence summaries collate the most useful information on a topic to support special requests, events, and Trust initiatives. A full information summary and synthesis of recent evidence can be carried out for Trust priorities. An overview summary can be produced to support projects and events. Recent evidence summaries produced by the library are listed below. Please get in touch if you would like a copy of any of the summaries listed. If you would like us to produce an evidence summary on a particular topic, please get in touch at and we can discuss this with you in greater detail. Full text links to Inclusive Dermatology, Prevention & Management of Violence and Aggression and Staff Retention are included here to provide examples of our work.

Copyright for all evidence summaries belongs with UHBW Knowledge and Library service. If you are not a member of UHBW Trust, please contact us for permission before using and / or replicating this information.

UHBW Evidence Summaries

Clinical Strategy Development

(January 2024)

This briefing summarises recent evidence relevant to the development of a clinical strategy. The first section summarises a selection of recent reports and guidance relating to current priorities in clinical care to highlight what success looks like and what we should be aiming for. The second section summarises a selection of evidence relating to best practice in strategy development. The final sections provide examples of recent clinical strategies from NHS Trusts, alongside case studies relating to strategy development. A selection of recent strategies from other sectors focuses on strategies that create visual impact, are easy to navigate and are interesting to read.



Experience of Care

(November 2023)

This research looks at patient experience and the ways in which organisations innovate and develop patient or customer focused initiatives.It includes some example strategies and case studies as well as lessons from business.

Group Hospital Models 

(November 2023)

Summarises evidence relating to Group Hospital Models in the NHS. Provides some context to the development of these models and provides examples of NHS trusts working as part of a group model, focusing on the corporate services and roles shared.

Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression in the NHS

(November 2023)

Summaries evidence from National guidance, research and case studies relating to the prevention and management of violence and aggression (PMVA) in the NHS. Focuses on the acute sector and UK research.

Inclusive Dermatology

(Revised October 2023)

A synthesised literature search to signpost recent evidence relating to the presentation of dermatological conditions in patients with black and brown skin. This is to support an increased awareness of how conditions can present differently.

Staff Retention 

(September 2023)

This research briefing brings together relevant literature to support the Patient First breakthrough objective – Our People – Staff Retention. Includes Factors affecting NHS Staff attrition and retention, Strategies and interventions to improve NHS staff retention and Factors affecting staff retention in relation to specialty and department. Signposts relevant NHS guidance and summarises recent research evidence, systematic reviews and case studies, focusing on the NHS acute sector and UK studies but including some international studies where of relevance.

New Power and Disruptive Leadership

(April 2023)

Considers definitions of old and new power and summarises evidence relating to disruptive thinking and disruptive leadership in the context of new power. Includes case studies from NHS Trusts.

Medical Associate Professions Roles

(March 2023)

Summarises recent evidence relating to the use of MAPs roles, focusing on the NHS and UK. Case studies of initiatives in NHS trusts are included where available alongside research evidence. The roles examined are: Physician Associates (PA), Anaesthesia Associates (AA), Surgical Care Practitioners (SCP), and  Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCP).

Succession Planning

(March 2023)

Summarises evidence relating to succession planning and supporting the development and retention of medical leaders. Includes case studies from NHS Trusts.

Cultural Change Programmes
(March 2023)

Summarises and synthesises evidence from research and NHS Trusts around cultural change programmes to address issues of bullying, harassment, racial discrimination and micro aggressions. Considers how organisations have enacted change and any success criteria used to measure progress.

Consultant Cover for Junior Doctor Industrial Action
(Feb 2023)

Synthesises research and guidance around consultant cover for junior doctors during industrial action. Includes links to NHS Trust policies for 'acting down'.

Health Equity and Patient EDI

(December 2022)

Summarises recent evidence relating to inequalities in health experience and outcomes in the NHS and strategies to address these inequalities. Includes links to a selection of recent EDI strategies from different NHS Trusts and examples of innovations that aim to reduce specific healthcare inequalities in individual NHS Trusts.

Disability History Month

November 2022

Signposts recent evidence to support Disability History Month.

Speaking Up 

(Revised October 2022)

Summarises a selection of recent studies relating to Speaking Up, alongside key documents, policies and guidelines.

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

(October 2022)

Summarized articles that document the positive lived experiences of those living with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Ethnicity and pregnancy outcomes 

(September 2022)

A synthesised literature search that summarises evidence on ethnic inequalities in pregnancy outcomes and maternity experiences in the UK. Includes recent reports and research and summarises recommendations for change.

Nurse retention

(July 2022)

A synthesised literature search that summarises evidence on reasons for nursing staff attrition and strategies for nurse retention. Includes evidence on e-rostering.

Doctor e-job planning and e-rostering

(July 2022)

A synthesised literature search that summarises evidence relating to the use of e-job planning and e-rostering for doctors.

Digital Literacy

(June 2022)

A summary explaining the role of the NHS and librarians in the development of digital literacy. Outlines successful strategies, teaching programmes and government interventions intended to accelerate the necessary learned behaviours

Robotic Process Automation 

(June 2022)

A synthesised literature search that summarises evidence on the benefits of Robotic Process Automation for administrative tasks in health settings. 

Libraries and Integrated Care Systems

(April 2022)

Summary describing how libraries can assist in the provision of integrated care.

Influencing/networking skills in healthcare

(April 2022)

A project detailing how librarians can help develop and nurture upskilling programmes.

Health Library Partnerships

(April 2022)

A synthesised project summarising how the positives associated with co-ordinated partnership between health librarians.

Creating Evaluation frameworks

(April 2022)

A summary project outlying intuitive and customizable evaluation frameworks which can be utilized to demonstrate and calculate the effectiveness of the outcomes of a selected project.

International Women’s Month

(March 2022)

A curated listing of empowering academic studies outlying the medical advances made by women within medicine and healthcare.

Integrated care systems and @home care 

(February 2022)

A synthesised literature search that summarises evidence on the development of @home care pathways in integrated care systems. Also includes summarised evidence on communication strategies, digital literacy and inclusion and the role of digital / health champions.

Theatre Efficiency

(December 2021)

A synthesised literature search that summarises recent work being done in NHS Trusts to improve theatre efficiency.

BMJ Christmas Summary

(December 2021)

A holiday tailored description of topics of interest from the Christmas edition of the BMJ.

Menopause at Work
(October 2021)

A synthesised literature search that presents a selection of the best resources on managing menopause at work.

Speak Up
(October 2021)

A synthesised lit search that will present a selection of the key documents and articles relating to "Speaking Up" and raising concerns to support Speak Up month.

Inclusive Dermatology
(August 2021)

A synthesised literature search to signpost recent evidence relating to the presentation of dermatological conditions in patients with black and brown skin.

Covid-19 Vaccines
(January 2021)

A synthesised literature search to signpost up to date evidence and guidance relating to Covid-19 vaccinations in the UK.

Black History Month
(October 2020)

A synthesised literature search that will present the best 10-20 articles from 2010-2020 on BAME involvement in research.

Organ Donation
(July 2020)

A synthesised literature search that will present the best 10-20 articles from 2020 on organ donation.

NHS England Evidence Briefs

Produced by Health Education England's (HEE) Knowledge Management team, Evidence Briefs provide an overview of evidence from published reports, peer-reviewed journals, case studies, and much more. They cover key broad topics related to workforce and education in the NHS. They provide evidence-based background and context, encourage the use of available evidence throughout a piece of work, and prompt further discussion.

The complete list of briefs are available to view here.