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UHBW Library and Information Services: Patient First

Library website for UHBW

What is Patient First?

Patient First is a long-term, tried and tested, approach to improvement that will fundamentally change the way we do things at UHBW.

It will help us deliver our Trust strategy and achieve our mission to improve the health of the people we serve by delivering exceptional care, teaching and research, every day. It will see us move from trying to do too many things to working together on fewer goals and doing them well - with the patient at the heart of everything we do.

Using the Patient Frist approach, the Trust will deliver six strategic priorities which will bring organisational alignment, reduce duplication, and focus us on fewer goals. 

These priorities are:

Learn more about Patient First at UHBW here

How the Library can help

Our research briefings provide a summary and synthesis of recent key evidence from research, reports and case studies on issues relevant to trust priorities and Patient First.

Please see below for evidence summaries for each of the Patient First Breakthrough Objectives. 

Please email if you are working on a Patient First Objective so that we can provide you with the latest evidence.

Experience of Care (November 2023):
This research looks at patient experience and the ways in which organisations innovate and develop patient or customer focused initiatives.

Health Equity and Patient EDI (December 2022)
This briefing summarises recent evidence relating to inequalities in health experience and outcomes in the NHS and strategies to address these inequalities. Includes links to a selection of recent EDI strategies and case studies from NHS trusts.

Ready for Discharge (February 2024)
This summary highlights interventions used by other hospitals to address the problem of delayed discharge.

Evidence searches related to Timely Care will be uploaded here, so watch this space!

Improving Patient Safety Culture (July 2024):

This briefing summarise recent evidence that relates to the development of an effective patient safety culture.

Patient Safety - Human Factors (July 2024):

This briefing summarises recent evidence around integrating human factors into the development of responsive, sustainable, and resilient healthcare delivery systems.


Evidence searches related to Patient Safety will be uploaded here, so watch this space!

Evidence summaries for Innovate and Improve will be uploaded here, so watch this space!

Evidence searches related to Innovate and Improve will be uploaded here, so watch this space!

Staff Retention (September 2023):
This research briefing brings together relevant literature to support the Patient First breakthrough objective – Our People – Staff Retention.

Succession Planning (March 2023): 
This briefing summarises recent evidence relating to succession planning and the development and retention of medical leaders.

Nurse Retention (June 2022):
This report summarises recent evidence relating to retention of the nursing workforce, focusing on the NHS and UK.

Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA) in the NHS (November 2023):
This evidence briefing provides an overview of recent evidence relating to the prevention and management of violence and aggression in the healthcare setting.

Evidence summaries for Our Resources will be uploaded here, so watch this space!

Evidence searches related to Our Resources will be uploaded here, so watch this space!