UHBW Self-Service Food Pantries
Bristol: Level 5 of The Education Centre
The Food Pantry is open.
(Updated: 02/01/2025 14:58)
Weston: Academy Building, Library
The Food Pantry is open.
(Updated: 07/01/2025 16:08)
Please note this page is updated within working hours Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00.
UHBW Library manages a self-service Food Pantry at our Bristol and Weston Libraries, where colleagues can donate or collect long-life food products, toiletries and more.
We accept donations of non-perishable items, such as tinned or dried foods, tea and coffee, toiletries and new children’s toys.
To find the Food Pantry:
In Bristol, visit the 5th floor of the Education Centre, turn left (go past the library), and you’ll find the Food Pantry at the end of the corridor. Out of hours, the Food Pantry will be set up outside the library entrance.
For Weston, when you enter the Academy building turn left and the library will be straight ahead at the end of the corridor. Go into the library and head towards the back, the food pantry is located on the shelves on the right-hand side, just before the wellbeing table.
Food Pantry Opening Hours
Bristol Library, Level 5 of Education Centre
Donations can be accepted at the library front desk: 09:00 – 17:00 Monday – Thursday, 09:00 – 15:00 Friday. Please contact us if you need to arrange a large out of hours donation or use your nearest donations drop-off box.
Items can be collected out-of-hours from 07:00 to 22:00, every day of the week, but access must be added to your staff ID card first. Please email library@uhbw.nhs.uk to arrange out-of-hours access.
Weston Library, The Academy:
Donations can be accepted at the library front desk:
09.30 - 16:00 Monday – Thursday, 09.30 – 15:00 Friday. Please contact us if you need to arrange a large out of hours donation or use your nearest donations drop-off box.
Items can be collected at any time.
To help streamline donations, we have set up a network of Donation Drop-Off Points across the trust, which are set up and ran by voluntary Food Pantry Champions.
If you have any questions about arranging to drop off donations, please contact the library (library@uhbw.nhs.uk).
Please only use Food Pantry Drop-Off Boxes to drop-off donations. To pick up items, please visit the self-service Food Pantries in the Bristol and Weston libraries. This helps us to distribute items fairly and provide discretion for staff.
Building |
Donation Drop-Off Point |
Bristol Dental Hospital |
Volunteers Needed |
Bristol Eye Hospital |
BEH, Level 3, behind the reception desk |
Bristol Children's Hospital |
Bristol Heart Institute |
BHI, Level 7, Management offices, Staff Room |
Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre |
BHOC, Main Reception, Level 4, under the main reception desk. |
Bristol Royal Infirmary |
BRI, Queen's Building, Level 4, A410 |
BRI, King Edward Building, B408, Fracture Liason Office. |
BRI, A400, Staff Room |
Education & Research Centre |
Education & Research Centre, Level 4, on the windowsill by the Career Brochure stand (opposite the lifts) |
Estates & Facilities |
Estates Office Building |
Myrtle Road Offices (BHOC) | Myrtle Road, TBC |
NIHR, Southgate | NIHR Research Delivery Network office, Level 5, Southgate |
St Michael's |
Volunteers Needed |
Trust HQ |
Assembly Rooms or Main Reception Area of Trust HQ |
Unity Sexual Health |
Volunteers Needed |
Weston General Hospital |
Brent Knoll, Brent Knoll Offices Kitchen |
WGH, Main Theatre and Day Case Unit |
WGH, Break Room for CNS/bank office/PEF Team, on Housekeepers corridor, 1st floor |
Whitefriars Centre |
Volunteers Needed |
Last Updated: 02/01/2025 16:48
More volunteers to be a Food Pantry Champion are always welcome, especially in areas that do not have any food pantry champions yet.
It won’t take much time out of your day and your support is really appreciated.
Click here to fill out our online form to be a Food Pantry Champion.
Please email library@uhbw.nhs.uk if you have any questions.
What do Food Pantry Champions do?
Promote the Food Pantry amongst colleagues
Put up posters to promote the food pantry
Set up a donations drop-off box in your work area and check it regularly.
Arrange for donations to be brought to the Library when the box is full.
The Library will contact Food Pantry Champions on a quarterly basis to check-in, and update you on any food pantry related news